2011. június 28., kedd

:)) A nice day - Egy szép kis nap :))

Lementünk autóval a Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Parkba, ahol pontosítottuk a részleteket, és hogy még mi az amit le kell adnunk, illletve megnéztük a vendégházat, ahol az alkotótáborunk lesz. Egyszerűn gyönyörű. Minden szép, minden új, minden ízléses. Nagyon el voltam ragadtatva. Amiről nem ejtettem szót, az a környezet. Gyönyörű. Jó levegővel. Nem is tudom mit mondhatnék még, mert elragadó volt minden.
Úgyhogy végül kezdődhet az igazi munka.

We had to go to today to Duna-Ipoly National Park. There will be our school art camp, what we will have in the middle of the summer. (my schoolmate, and me win this opportunity in last month) And that park is absolute gorgeous . I can't say else.. Perfect environment, beautiful view, high trees, and good fresh forest smell everywhere around us. And now we have to start the real work.
This is a very big project, and now I'm very proud of myself :)))

2011. június 25., szombat

Snowmen - Hóember

Not so actual, but this is a bit cold summer, that how I think every snowman is a bit happy :)
Now this picture is not ready, but I'd like to show before it's finish.
Made by waterproof pen. A/4

Milano Street Fashion - Milanói utcai divat

If you need a fashion graphic like this artwork, just ask. My email address: (olga.petrovits(at)gmail.com)

Cookie Cook Book - Sütis szakácskönyv

This is my third Moleskine, what I bought about 1 years ago, and I protected it from everything :). And for a long time I didn't now what for I have to use it. I had a lot of idea, but I don't want to use this for basic graphics, or scathes, just for something, what make me happy, because this is quite expensive, and very elegant. And the idea for this is born: Cookies Cook Book :)
I don't paint too much in it, because I collect the GOOD recipes to be in this collection. Now there is 3 in it, and when I find a new good cookie, I will upload the second two graphic

Elővettem a 3. moleskine könyvemet amit eddig féltve dédelgettem, hogy a legjobb ötletet kéne benne végigvinni, már csak borsos ára miatt se pazaroljam el valami skicclelgetésre, egyéb nem célzott firkálgatásra. Aztán megszületett az ötlet. Szakácskönyv. Non plusz ultra, csak sütikkel. Ami azért érdekes, mert sütikben finnyás vagyok. Nem vagyok értük annyira oda, bár aki ismer, az tudja ez annyira nem látszik rajtam. Jobban szeretem a sajtokat. Mint gombóc Artúr... a kereket, a lukasat, a sósat, a folyósat, a penészeset, a büdöset, a fűszerezettet, a ... mindet na. De sajtot rajzolni folyamatosan, az annyira nem vicces. Úgyhogy süti. Mert az szép, és vidám, és színes. Így el is készült első két gyüjtésemből létrejött elsö oldal. A többi majd ahogy a gyütjés halad, úgy folyamatosan érkezik. Szóval a NAGY SÜTI KÖNYV, ami vicces, mert tulajdonképpen pici, de nem is ez a lényeg. Csak azok lesznek benne, amit én is tényleg szeretek. Bár a Marczhipán Tibi miatt került bele a könyvbe :)

My Little Pony - Kiscsipaci

I've made this pony a few years ago, but now I'd like to show it in my blog. About 10cm tall and made from a kind of grass :)

Loneliness - Magány

I have find a vintage picture someone's blog and I like that picture, so I made a "copy" from that in illustrator. Of course it's not a copy, because I left a few things what in the original picture was. The end is a mix of the photo, and the illustrator.

WIN a contest - Ipoly pályázat

Because I had win a contest to make a design to Duna-Ipoly National Park in Hungary, it seems, next week the work will be start. On 02.07 we have to go to the headmaster of the National Park, and make a contract between us. I hope everything will be fine. I never had such a big work what could be in it. I suppose this is a very "big fish" in economy in hungary. They protecting the environment, keeping and caring the wild animals, and taking care of woods to.
This is a very nice point in my portfolio. I will do my best.
So I hope there will be no problem. Fingerscross.

2011. június 24., péntek

Santa Barbara

As I promise about an our earlier, I had made a picture about Santa Barbara city. :)

Travel Channel

I've saw today a travel magazin in the tube, and it was made in Santa Barbara, USA. I have to say, I will make, or paint some picture from Santa Barbara, because that is a beautiful city. I have absolutely in loved in this town. The other town what I have to see once is in Mexico but it has a bit difficult name, and now I don't remember of it :) So, I will make some pic from S.B. Hope you will like it.
Now I've look after it in the googlemap and this is soooooo close to San Francisco. Somehow I have to go there :)


So my first year in the Uni is now reach the end and I feel myself lucky, because my marks are so good. In Hungary the rates are between 1 and 5, where 5 is the best. My average is upper 4 and I have only one 3 mark. Now I'll have two more years in the school, and I 'm expect it to look forward. But... If you have an idea how to pay it, please tell me, because it is too much expensive. :) Thats why I'm a bit disappointed because I don't know how to pay my next two years. Well, but I have to say: "this is life". I have to live thru, with this problem and I'm already feel myself happy because I can finally studying, what I'd like to learn :)


After a few year I changed my mind and started to redesign my blog. If You like it, or not, or have a better idea, just tell me please. :)

Megúntam a régi blogdesignomat, és renováltam egy keveset. Kérlek jelezd, ha még változtatnál rajta bármit. :)

2011. június 18., szombat

Vinelabel - Boroscímke

I am absolutely in-loved in vine labels. If You need a new design, with something special, something new, just contact me in the following email: olga.petrovits(at)gmail.com

Vine variatons / bor variációk

Rákattantam a borgrafikákra... Ha ilyen, vagy hasonló grafika kellene a borkatalógusodhoz, hirdetésedhez, brossúrádhoz, keress bátran.
I had started to make some new graphics with vine. I like this kind of graphics. This are good for catalogs, wellcome cards, brossures, and so.. I had to make some with other main motive. So, this are not the end :)

2011. június 17., péntek

sixlets / hatosikrek

I had an exam in school yesterday, and I don't want to learn more, so I spend the night with a little painting. There is nothing special technic in it, just made by aquarelle, and takes about 3 hour.

Vine Brossure faceing / Borkatalógus borító

Advertisement Work - Progresszív magazin hirdetés, Kellogg's

the firm where I worked for 6 years (I left it because of the university) sometimes gives me some works. This is an A/4 full page advertisement, what will be in the Progressive monthly magazine (2011.july). I am soooo happy for that :) I like this kind of works much.

logotervek - logo variations

This logos are made for contests, what I had find on internet. Unfortunately I don't win with them, but this is "me" too. So hope You like it. One logo takes about an our. Hope I"ll son have the A.CS5 illustrator, and than will be a bit faster with it.

If YOU need a logo, don't hesitate, send me the brief! :)
E-mail: olga.petrovits(at)gmail.com